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Image by Josh Calabrese

Who I Am

I believe that urban planners & designers have an opportunity to facilitate meaningful processes that can enhance the quality of life and the environment. Through my past education and exposure to diverse topics, I have gained a sound technical knowledge, learning abilities, and an endless passion to pursue my career as a professional. Through hard work and zeal, I reached a milestone when I graduated as a planner with a specialisation in urban designing, sustainability, and conservation; which is outside the context of my previous education and seems to expand my learning horizon; encouraging me to learn from people and practices from diverse fields. Since then, my learning curve has progressed and evolved into new projects driven by the results of my experimentation.


Curiosity is something that drives me to understand new things and learn them instantly. I’ve always been intrigued by the relationships between nature, humans, and the urban built environment. Throughout my coursework, I’ve actively tried to make this investigation and study various relations between humans, nature, and built environment, in terms of resource and experience. I heartily believe that, out of all the things nature provides, learning is it's most marvellous giving. Hence, I actively pursue a new form of thinking and take efforts into the creation of new knowledge systems.


The core values which the coursework helped me adapt were Empathy, Sustainability, Adaptability, and Response. My exposure develops to work in a collaborative and transdisciplinary environment, delivering work in a tight schedule. Through my learning and practise, I have gained knowledge and understanding around the settlements, everyday practices, and an understanding of the approaches to evaluate the implication of policies and systems governing human settlement.

I portray skills to experiment with design and plan places at different spatial scales using everyday practices. These skills extend to plan and design in a participatory manner, as part of the multidisciplinary group and with local communities. My interest inclines towards system thinking, co-design & co-learning, socio-ecological systems, policy, and guidelines. I am always enthusiastic to learn and look for opportunities to participate in collaborative platforms. 


I invite you to take a look at my work to get a better idea. A spiritual and creative being, with the values I hold most dear I try to create beauty in all I do and everything I do.

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©2020 by Goyal Manan. 

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